Department of Microbiology
18 Apr

Department of Microbiology

  • 866

Department of Microbiology

Medical Microbiology is a rapidly expanding branch of modern medicine. Microbial diseases contribute for more than fifty percent (50%) of all sick-reporters in a hospital. Moreover many non-communicable diseases like peptic ulcer, cancer, diabetes etc. now proven to have microbial etiology. The department of microbiology is dedicated to impart training on microbiology to the 4th year MBBS course and it deals with training on bacteriology, virology, immunology, parasitology and mycology. The main objective of the department is to acquaint and enrich the medical students with aetiopathogenesis, immunological response and laboratory diagnosis along with clinical interpretation of lab reports. The department also guides the students regarding the treatment of microbial diseases and infection control. Total allocation of teaching hours for the subject is 190 hours, of which 100 hours are for theoretical lectures, 90 hours for tutorial and practical classes.

Departmental Objectives:

Undergraduate medical students after completing the course on Microbiology will become well versed about the behavior and etiology of microbial diseases, their pathogenesis, immunological responses involved and some important clinical illnesses that would enable them to plan and interpret necessary laboratory investigations for the diagnosis, treatment and prevention. The department will provide teaching-learning experiences to achieve the following learning objectives:



 At the end of the course, students will be able to:

  • Describe and understand the morphology, antigenic structure, aetiopathogenesis of the diseases caused by microbes such as bacteria, virus, parasites and fungi and the diseases caused by them commonly prevalent in Bangladesh
  • Explain the host-parasite relationship, normal flora of the body, pathogens and opportunistic pathogens · understand the principles and applications of immunology involved in the pathogenesis, diagnosis and prevention of microbial and immunological diseases.
  • Understand hospital acquired infection and its prevention
  • Understand the emerging and re-emerging microbial diseases in Bangladesh and their diagnosis, control and prevention
  • Understand antibiotic resistant pattern and selection of appropriate antibiotics and its rational use.
  • Understand the antimicrobial resistance and containment of antimicrobial resistance.
  • Understand infection prevention and control in the hospital and outside.
  • Understand biosafety and biosecurity measures particularly in the laboratory.
  • Understand about the medical wastes disposal system. Skill: Students will be able to:
  • Plan necessary laboratory investigations selecting appropriate clinical samples at the right time, using the right method of their collection and interpret the results of these laboratory investigations to arrive at laboratory diagnosis of microbial and immunological diseases.
  • Carryout media preparation, bacterial culture and antimicrobial sensitivity tests.
  • Perform simple laboratory tests available in Upazila Health Complex.
  • Interpret the results of tests and can treat the patients accordingly.
  • Carry out the techniques of asepsis, antisepsis and sterilization in day to day procedures.
  • Under take universal precautions in laboratory and clinical practices.



Students will be able to:

  • Demonstrate the attitude for further learning, research and continuing medical education for improvement of efficiency and skill in the subject.
  • Demonstrate good behavior/dealings with the patients, attendances, relatives and other personnel involved in the medical services.


List of Competencies to acquire:

After completion of graduation, an MBBS doctor is expected to achieve the following competency in the area of Microbiology. An MBBS graduate will be competent to:

1. Perceive the etio-pathogenesis of diseases caused by microbes commonly prevalent in Bangladesh

2. Proceed for diagnosing a case caused by microbes in terms of:

 a. appropriate specimens necessary for diagnosis

b. timing of specimen collection and appropriate transport

c. appropriate diagnostic tests to advise

3. Interpret the values of tests and the test results.

4. Identify the basic problems of hospital acquired infection and its prevention

5. Select appropriate antimicrobial agents for the treatment of common microbial diseases

6. Use of antibiotics rationally

7. Control infectious diseases in the hospital and outside.

8. Manage patients having infectious diseases.

9. Know biosafety, biosecurity and biohazards in medical practices.

10. Know how to dispose off medical wastes.

11. Know antimicrobial resistance and containment of antimicrobial resistance.

12. Know and practice antimicrobial stewardship.

13. Provide Counseling regarding vaccination against common diseases and chemoprophylaxis

14. Appraise the need for research on common microbial diseases encountered in medical practice Note: Microbial diseases include: bacteria, parasites, viruses and fungi.

15. Prepare disinfectants at their own for different purposes.

16. Practice personal protection by hand hygiene, wearing PPE and keeping hospital environment clean from infectious diseases (by practicing universal precautions).

Microbiology is now comprised of 6 subjects such as 1) Bacteriology, 2) Parasitology, 3) Virology, 4) Immunology, 5) Mycology 6) and molecular biology. All these are taught as an independent subject in the developed world. The medical students who are placed in the inpatients and outpatient departments have to know the clinical features, diagnosis of infectious diseases. They have to know the immunopathophysiology of the diseases and treatment (antibiotics, antiviral, anti-parasitic, antifungal and immunotherapies and biological therapy). In addition students have to observe the outcome of treatment and can change the treatment accordingly. This is the best way of integrated teaching which is being practiced. Moreover, antibiotic resistance containment program, infection prevention and control program and antibiotic stewardship program are introduced which are best understood while learning in wards with patents. Covid-19 has taught us the importance of emerging infectious diseases.