Surgery & Allied Subjects
18 Apr

Surgery & Allied Subjects

  • 1471

Surgery & Allied Subjects

Departmental Objectives

 The aim of this course is to provide community oriented & need based education so as to produce basic doctors who will be able to:

  • Elicit a complete clinical history & physical findings and formulate diagnosis of common surgical problems prevalent in Bangladesh and abroad.
  • Carry out necessary investigations & interpret the results with proper utilization for management
  • Perform minor surgical procedures and treat minor surgical problems
  • Recognize the major surgical problems needing specialized care, initiate the primary treatment and refer to the appropriate centers
  • Diagnose and provide competent primary care in surgical emergencies.
  • Carry out the responsibility of management in common casualties or natural calamities to offer and arrange basic life support.
  • Take necessary preventive & prophylactic measures for surgical problems
  • Be involved in continued care & rehabilitation of surgical patients.
  • Deliver health education in the community with emphasis to the preventive aspects of surgical disorders.
  • Demonstrate the right attitude in
  • Patient Care
  • Community health care
  • Continuing medical education & research
  • observing the moral & legal codes of medical ethics


List of Competencies to acquire:

 1. Clinical

 a. Rapport building with patients, relatives, colleagues, health care professionals and supporting staffs of the hospital

 b. Take detail relevant history

c. Conduct thorough clinical Examination

d. Decide on a provisional working diagnosis

e. Perform and/or order relevant investigations considering the cost effectiveness

f. Interpret common laboratory and imaging investigations

 g. Calculate fluid and electrolyte requirements

 h. Evaluate and make initial management of acute trauma patient

 i. Adopt aseptic techniques and procedures and maintain principles of sterilization


 2. Communication

a. Obtains permission before any examination and clinical procedures

 b. Obtain informed consent for surgical procedures including organ ablation.

 c. Appreciate right to privacy and information about the disease and its consequence


3. Managerial

a. Provides leadership during team work

b. Implement time management skills

c. Issue certificates (discharge, death, medical and injury).

d. Write notes (case notes, operation notes, and referrals)

 e. Keep detail and systematic records both manual and electronic

f. Use computer and IT facilities.

4. Manipulative and practical skills

a. Adopt universal aseptic techniques in handling surgical patient

 b. Start IV lines

 c. Insert NG tubes

d. Introduce urethral catheter and perform supra-pubic cystostomy

 e. Drain superficial abscesses

 f. Perform per-rectal examination

g. Achieve emergency control of revealed hemorrhage

 h. Carry out initial management of wound

i. Repair minor wounds

 j. Complete primary management of fractures and arrange transfer to appropriate centers.

 k. Apply splints, slings, POP casts and slabs, tractions, bandages, sterile dressings.